Participating to the Anti-War Coalition online platform with a new work Just a Game! (2022)
Nowhere to Climb (2021) installed outside of Duhok Art Gallery in Duhok, Kurdistan Iraq between November 2021 to March 2022.
Book launch of Walid Siti's Monograph at Duhok Gallery, Iraq
Taking part of the group exhibition Frameless Drawing Exhibition at Duhok Gallery, Iraq between October - November 2021
Taking part of the group exhibition The Immunity at Galerie der Kunstler, Munich Germany between 02.11.2021 - 28.11.2021
Tigris has selected for the Zebra Poetry Film Festival 2021
The Interweaving Flow site-specific installation as part of Studio 3 Arts' Windows In commissions, July 2021
“The Troubled Bear and the Palace” has selected for The Social Art Library online screening as part of Axis Web, May 2021
Public art installation "Nowhere to Climb" as part of the Public Art Duhok 2020 taking place at Newroz Square, Duhok, Iraq
Public art installation Right to Climb curated by Vicky Richardson as part of the London Festival of Architecture 2020, 31 Oval Road, Camden Town, Photo by Candida Richardson
Participating in ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival with “The Troubled Bear and the Palace” taking place from 19 to 22 November 2020 in the Kino in der KulturBrauerei in Berlin
Participating in the Scorched Earth charity exhibition organised by the Migrate Art, (19-26 September 2020) at Cork Street Galleries London
Participating in the Rencontres Internationales Berlin programme (26-30 August, 2020) with
“The Troubled Bear and the Palace”
Taking part of the group exhibition MAY FLAMES PAVE WAY FOR YOU at Arsenal Gallery, Poland between 26.06.2020 - 09.08.2020
Taking part of the group exhibition When the Globe is Home at Gallery delle Prigioni in Treviso, Italy Curated by Claudio Scorretti and Irina Ungureanu, between July 3 - November 29, 2020
Walid Siti monograph is published by Kehrer Verlag
Hardcover 24 x 30 cm 192 pages 162 color and b/w illustrations English
Available ISBN 978-3-86828-927-52020
Artist: Walid Siti
Editor: Nat Muller
Texts: Zainab Bahraini, Sarah Johnson, Nat Muller, Venetia Porter
Design: Studio Victor Balko
Participating in the London Festival of Architecture's Digital 2020 programme 02-30 June.
Please visit the website for streaming the video -https://www.londonfestivalofarchitecture.org/event/video-film-oneness-april-2020/
“The Troubled Bear and the Palace” has selected for The Fourth Wall exhibition curated by Mo Reda as part of the 21st Biennial of Art of Santa Cruz, Bolivia, March – April 2020
22nd Sept 2019 - July 2020 taking part in a group exhibition “Impossible to Find” at newly launched Art space, Latitude gallery curated by Angelica Gatto
Participating in the Rencontres international Paris/Berlin programme (Paris, 27th of Feb, 2020) with “The Troubled Bear and the Palace”
Space21 Project – 1st-24th April 2019
An exhibition taking place in Kurdistan (North Iraq). The exhibition focusses on site-specific and relational works. It draws attention to the special architectural and social environments of the Hammam.
Taking part in the exhibition, “History is Not Here: Art and the Arab Imaginary” Downtown St. Paul, Minnesota
Talk at the Institute of Fine Arts in the city of Duhok, Kurdistan-Iraq
“Wheel of Fortune” 2018 has become part of the collection of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Krakow, Poland.
Elusive Mountains 2018 | Barbed & thin aluminium wire 400x800x300cm
‘Stone Tales’ 2018 | Hard paper, newspaper of cuts & glue 340x600x10cm
Two installations that were part of the group exhibition ‘International Contemporary Art
Exhibition: Armenia Yerevan’ Curators: Mazdak Faiznia | Marina Hakobian
25 September – 25 October 2018
‘Monument to the Unsung’ 2018
My public installation as part of ‘PAY ATTENTION PLEASE!’ – Public Art Amsterdam
Commissioned by Framer Framed
21 June – 30 September, 2018
‘Wheel of Fortune’ 2018 | Barbed wire, toy soldiers
My installation as part of the group exhibition ‘The Arrangements of the Soul in the Universe’
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Curated by Mo Reda
28 July – 28 August, 2018
‘Birth of a New Mountain’ 2017 | Crayon on paper
My work on paper as part of the exhibition, ‘Revelations from Islamic Design in Contemporary Art’ Curated by Marie Costello
Cambridge Arts, Gallery 344, City of Cambridge, Massachusetts
17 September – 30 November, 2018
‘Wall Intervention Installation’ 2018
A series of works as part of the exhibition, ‘Baghad Mountain Amour’, ICI Paris
Curated by Morad Montazami 29 March – July, 2018